Mindfulness Based
Stress Reduction Course
8 weeks - online
Next course starts March 5th 2025
Are you ready to:
Enhance your sense of physical, emotional and mental well-being
Create more head space, free from chattering and/or negative thoughts
Learn to respond wisely rather than react instinctively
Reduce self-criticism and enhance compassion for yourself and others
Learn a life skill to enhance your wellbeing and create a greater sense of balance in your life
Deal better with the ups and downs of life and cope better with stress?
Be more present, positive and focused with family, friends and at work
Learn how to reduce stress, anxiety, depression and pain
Slow down , but you're finding it hard with all the pressures of dayily life
Or maybe you're dealing with a health issue and would like to strengthen your mind to support your body.
This is a truly transformative and life-changing course - are you ready to make this positive change?

​"Amazing course - it changed my life"
Ania Thorz - MBSR Participant 2021
Why I run this course

In 2007 I was assaulted and suffered from PTSD. Prior to this I’d never really heard of mindfulness, never meditated and although I thought I had been happy, I realise now that my life was based on reacting to what life gave me, rather than being proactive and seeking out what I wanted. I wasn’t living a particularly conscious life.
Through therapy I discovered mindfulness and positive psychology and a new chapter in my life began.
Having experienced the transformative effects of mindfulness in my recovery, I developed a passion for wellbeing with mindfulness at the core. I took an MBSR course several years ago and subsequently decided I wanted to teach it and share it’s transformational benefits with others.
Mindfulness has helped me live a more conscious, happy and fulfilled life and enabled me to deal much more effectively with the challenges that life throws at us.
I am passionate about sharing the magical powers of mindfulness with as many people as possible!
About the MBSR Course
The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course is the world renowned 8 week course created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, an established American Doctor and Professor, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic, and Centre of Mindfulness in Medicine and Health Care. It is the most well-researched Mindfulness course and thousands of people have benefited from it worldwide.
Compassion for yourself and others is also an integral part of this course, which is group based, interactive and practical and teaches you to live more mindfully and compassionately in order to enhance your sense of physical, emotional and mental well-being.

You will learn the essential principles of mindfulness and simple techniques to build your personal practice, so that mindfulness becomes part of your life well beyond the course.
The course combines modern neuroscience and ancient meditation practice. I teach mindfulness in a light-hearted, engaging and practical way, with compassion at its core and so it is easily accessible and applicable to daily life.
Learning and practising mindfulness as a group fosters connection, helps us see and experience common-humanity, develop empathy and gratitude and creates a nourishing community of like-minded individuals, who often stay connected beyond the 8 week course. Experiencing the course online allows us to share the space with participants from all over the world and from all walks of life.

Learn a variety of formal and informal mindfulness meditation practices, and develop practical self-care tools to help you thrive, feel at your best, and build resilience.
Understand the basic physiology of stress and neuroscience associated with mindfulness . Learn how to self-regulate your moods, so that you are better able to pause in challenging situations and manage your responses more effectively.
Recognise the patterns of worry and self-criticism that often generate more stress and learn to relate to yourself in a more accepting, compassionate and kind manner.
Develop awareness to allow you to have more mindful and meaningful communication, connections and relationships in all areas of your life.
What you will learn

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf."
Happy Clients
What you need to know
The course is 8 weeks long, and each session is 2hrs 15mins
Included in the price: -
21.5 hours of face to face lives sessions on Zoom
All meditation recordings
A comprehensive e-course book and additional resources
Free half day (3.5hr) silent retreat (worth £35)
You will have a 30 minute pre-course call with me​
Following the course you will get free access to the MBSR Alumni group, giving you additional resources, discounts to future courses and classes and the ongoing support and connection of a like-minded mindful community
Investment: £249 - please contact me if you'd like to spread the payments.
To fully embrace the course and maximise the benefits, you will need to spend approximately 30-45mins per day practising the meditation and/or mindfulness practices that you learn each week at home. I will discuss the best ways to approach finding the time in your busy day in the first week of the course and in your welcome interview. We will also discuss and support each other in this as part of the course.
Although the course is on Zoom, participants will have the full support of the teacher (me!) and will be able to engage with each other as a group and in breakout rooms.
You don't need to have any previous experience of mindfulness or meditation and it is suitable for beginners as well as experienced practitioners, who wish to refresh their practice. Mindfulness training is useful for people of all backgrounds, ages, interests and levels of well-being. The course is practical and educational. It isn't therapy, although it has therapeutic benefits.
I am a fully trained and accredited MBSR teacher through Mindfulness UK.
This course can also be taken one to one, or for private or corporate groups. Please contact me directly for further information about this.
After the course participants report...

Living a more conscious life, one of action rather than reaction
Having greater control of emotions
Being more compassionate to self and others
Having more headspace for creativity and problem solving
Being more consciously present with family and friends
Having greater patience, being calmer and responding rather than reacting
Being better able to manage stress, overwhelm and anxiety
An increase in focus, productivity and resilience
This is a truly transformational course and helps you recognise what's really important and to live a more purposeful and happy life.
If you're ready to make the change then join the next course, starting March 5th 2025!
Course also available in May & September 2025
- email for further details